How to Start Growing your Business Using Pay Per Head.


There are so many business strategies you can come up with for you to have a great success with your local bookie or sportsbook agent operation but you know that your local market is a small area and you can’t cover all of it by your self Continue reading

The Real Reason You Need To Hire a Price Per Head Company Now

If you’re a bookie and you’re reading this, it’s quite probable that you have at least a slight understanding of what price per head is – a.k.a. pay per head, per head, bookmaker services – which means that you have probably read all that stuff out there explaining the different advantages of hiring a price per head company versus going solo, or worse, not doing anything at all. The problem with that is, it still doesn’t explain why should you go ahead and trust complete strangers to deal with your customers (as the call-center is one of their main attractions) or be willing to pay a continuous fee per active player when you’re the one who had to deal with them.

Yet, there are two reasons for which price per head services are a pretty sweet deal – assuming you find a good provider and don’t fall for any of the useless ones, which unfortunately are most – these are Continue reading

The One Thing Price Per Head Doesn’t Solve For Bookies

When you consider paying for price per head services – or maybe you’re reading this just after hiring a price per head company – you should know that even when they will take care of most of your business and deal with almost all tedious tasks, there is one aspect that will determine if you are successful or not, and you’re responsible for it.

You might be wondering what it is, and it’s actually something pretty obvious, Continue reading

Can Price Per Head Be Harmful For Bookies?

Price per head is a service most bookies consider at one point or another. Some will make the deal with the company offering price per head services, others will say it’s bollocks and others will look around for information and confirmation by a third party (probably you).

In any case, if you’re a bookie and want to learn more about price per head companies before making such a decision, or are looking to compare and see which price per head company is the best choice (assuming there is at least one that’s worthwhile).

Moving on let’s ask this, which are the supposed benefits of hiring a price per head company?

When hiring a price per head company you are supposed to be able to reduce your workload and in some time be able to increase your profits (after a few months of perceiving less income because of costs and an eventual increase because you have found more clients).

This is quite possible, but how does it happen? Continue reading

Is It Legal To Use Pay Per Head Services?

For a while now, people have been questioning whether using pay per head services is legal, and although that may be a valid question, it’s a tricky one.

Pay per head services are completely legal as long as they operate under any jurisdiction that allows gambling and online gambling – particularly sports betting – as well as not being involved with any illegal activities or shady organizations (obviously). However, the original question is usually a poor reflection of the underlying doubt most bookies have.

Is it legal for me to take wagers on sports if I use a pay per head service? Continue reading